Learning to Love Yourself

Hi guys, as I sat in my room wondering what I should write about first, I asked myself what do I wish I knew then, that I know now. That’s when I decided to write about learning to love yourself, because I know social media can make us set unrealistic expectations for ourselves, and I wish I knew sooner that social media isn’t the factor that should control how I see myself. Social media has the power to make you happy, sad, mad, sometimes even all at the same time. Many times we think influencers live perfect lives, yet on the outside their falling apart. I know this because that was me, if I’m being honest sometimes it is still me, and thats okay. Nobodies life is perfect, and I’ve learned to be perfectly imperfect one day at a time. I think being honest with your audience is important, because if i pretend everything is perfect, I end up imposing unrealistic expectations on somebody else, and then they do the same, and so on. It creates a toxic cycle, and it allows us to lose ourselves.

I won’t lie there’s days where I absolutely love my body, and days where I just want to cry under the covers, but that doesn’t mean those bad days make up my self-love for myself entirely. I find when I’m having a bad day, it helps to put the phone down, and have a self-care day for myself. I know were tempted to find out how somebody got their body, or their job, or their love interest, but remember that their is always something going on behind the scenes that we don’t see. Don’t get down on yourself! You control your own future, we were all made differently for a reason, we are meant to discover our own path. Work on manifesting what you want, and work towards it. Look in the mirror, and say something you love about yourself, tell yourself that your amazing because you are! Learning to love ourselves is a process, but it is so worth it.


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